Ecoia, for Development Engineering

Urbanism and Territorial Development

Cities and territories are led to promote urban planning that is more concerned with the environment and its impact on humans, in a logic of project and sustainability, in the field of regional planning, our skills cover the different planning scales: inter-municipal projects such as urban development master plans down to the city and neighborhood scale, detailed development studies for mixed-use projects (housing, shops, services ) tourist and industrial constitute the second part of the activity of ECOIA in the field of town planning. We act on behalf of development companies, land agencies, etc.

Our know-how includes development studies and studies of connection and service conditions to infrastructure networks. Our expertise in the field of operational urban planning also covers rehabilitation and restructuring projects.

ECOIA pays close attention to the importance of supporting in a qualitative and comprehensive way the actors who have undertaken processes intended for the development or the evolution of their territories, to help them carry out the projects envisaged on the whole of the chain of reflections linked to town planning.


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