Ecoia, for Development Engineering

New and Renewable Energies

It is obvious that the whole world is subject to global warming to varying degrees due to the increased emission of greenhouse gases caused by the use of underground energies whose combustion releases CO2, which is the one of the main gases in the atmosphere that cause the greenhouse effect. Consequently, all of humanity is exploring other sources of energy in order to respond effectively to the ever-increasing energy demand. African countries have long been subject to energy dependency, even in their largest city.

ECOIA wants to be fully committed to an effective response to this dependence, to the reduction of greenhouse gases by offering governments, decision-makers and communities alternative new and renewable energy solutions based on processes that completely reduce the greenhouse gas emission.

Our structure works with experts in the field in order to offer new renewable energies such as solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, hydraulic, etc. this in compliance with the application of modern standards in these areas and taking into account international environmental requirements.


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