Ecoia, for Development Engineering

Study and Design Engineering

They start from the identification of the project until the launching of the invitations to tender for the realization of the works, following a concrete and thorough planning as a basis for a successful project execution on time, within the framework of the costs and which integrates geographical and economic conditions.

It involves the various studies that the client may request from us, namely: Identification study, Market analysis study, Preliminary and definition study, Technical and economic feasibility study, Summary preliminary project study (APS), Detailed Design Study (APD), Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), etc., which will serve as the basis for infrastructure measures to decide in principle on the implementation, design variants or the continuation of the execution of a project depending on the technical and economic aspects.

We develop for our customers proposals for optimized, reliable and innovative technical solutions which are studied in several variants if necessary. Aspects of constructive design, opportunity and profitability with respect for environmental sustainability are taken into consideration.

Given the technical requirements and the terms of reference of our missions, we offer our clients:

  • Design documents (plans, explanatory report, cost calculation);
  • Functional specifications based on purely targeted indications
  • All the technical specifications as well as the technical conditions of the contract. In this respect, it goes without saying that we take into account the applicable local legislation.

During the adjudication phase, we evaluate the offers from the companies. We extract the technical and economic information needed for the award, prepare it accordingly for the decision makers and give our award recommendation.

With our expertise, we can thus decisively speed up a tendering process.


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